Tiresome Fan

Tiresome Fan (พัดลมเบื่อหน้า) is an interactive art piece capturing the funny possibility of a fan not wanting us to receive its cool wind. This artwork was created to have the reverse function of an ordinary fan – to move away whenever someone is in front of it. People may not even notice the movement at first, but after a while they will see that a fan never turns to them. However, if people are standing around the fan, or a person is following it around for a while, the fan will stop its propeller, as there is no space to move away from the annoying humans. The fan will start again when is no one around it. 

This artwork is one of the fan series, the concept for which came from observations of how humans use things in daily life. The fan was chosen as a subject because it is such a common a household object that can be found in every Thai residence. People use it as an important part of their lives without noticing its existence. A fan is created to provide the feeling of wind for humans and make our lives more comfortable. Other pieces in the series included “Close to You,” and “Talking to a Fan.” You can find the other two pieces in the archive section.

Tiresome Fan was also developed into a sketch short film.

I’m tired
want to

Published by Tuang Studio

Interactive artist, experiential designer, and curator

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