Face Exercise Machine


Face Exercise Machine allows users to tone and sculpt their facial muscles by isolating individual features. Five levels guide players through challenging muscle workouts for eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheeks, and lips. After practicing with each facial feature individually, users embark on the ultimate workout, using all parts of their face. A scorecard at the end of the experience lets players know what their most standout feature is. The Face Exercise Machine is a developed prototype of a full marketing campaign for retro-branding exercises with blended steampunk aesthetics and critical design to investigate the ways society has trained people to deploy their faces as canvases in the search for self-and self-hood.


—“Not only your body needs exercise, your face does too!”—




The interface design is inspired by a 40’s technology style. The main user interface is a simple green color text and lines. There are four menus: Normal Mode, Level Selection Mode, Instruction, and Privacy Notice. There is a physical key to turn on and off the machine. The user only uses a small joy stick to select menu by moving up, down, left or right. To enter into any exercise’s level, the user needs to control their face following the instruction of the software.

The Normal Mode let the user to exercise their face through all 6 facial parts from Eyebrows, Eyes, Nose, Cheeks, Lips, and over all at once. The Level Selection Mode let the user select any facial part to exercise. Each level in any modes is a 2-minute exercise. At the end of each level there is a score of that particular part and the total score from the sum of every level.

The machine has a feature to record the user’s face like, any exercise machine that collects its user’s exercising ability but, this machine is a video record! This is why there is a privacy notice menu. HOWEVER, the company respects every single person’s privacy and does not turn on this feature. Therefore, anyone can feel safe to do their exercise. There will be no file recorded and stored in the machine without any notice or a permission.




The machine was one of many inventive products created by the company “Super Noggin” in its early years. The company later rebranded itself and changed its name to “Charming NN.” The Face Exercise Machine is one of Super Noggin’s very first developed prototypes with a full marketing campaign. The company believes in finding practical ways to improve ourselves, both inside and out. The sustainable method to having a healthy and wonderful facial appearance is the core of this company’s research.

More info about Charming NN



Featured in these events:

Press / Research Mentions: 

Arvers, Isabelle. “Creative Practices in Video Games world tour IV : Bangkok by Isabelle Arvers for Immersion.” Isabellearvers.com. December 5, 2019.  English | French


Published by Tuang Studio

Interactive artist, experiential designer, and curator

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