Bang Bua Live Stickers

To participate with the art project, visit the site:

Bang Bua Live Stickers Book is part of the Bangkok Design Week 2024. คณะดิจิทัลมีเดีย มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม X TUANG T collaborates to show a projection mapping content of a web-app that

talks about what potentiality of Bang Bua area and its community have and how people in the community would like to see happen in their home/work city.

Official Design Week Site:

To participate, visit the site:

For the live event where there’s a real-time view on Sripatum University’s building 11, facing the BTS (Bangkok Sky Train), the schedule is on Monday 29, January till 2 February 2024 from 6 -9 PM.

People see the piece from outside of the building. This can be seen from BTS’s 1st-2nd floor and at the street level.

The Stickers

Working with art students

Tuang T opens the project for art and design students
to present their idea about Bang Bua where they live and work.

Tuang T ‘s Art Stickers

Published by Tuang Studio

Interactive artist, experiential designer, and curator